Canvas of Life by Rabjot Singh Isher

07 May 2020

Canvas of Life by Rabjot Singh Isher

Book Title: Canvas of Life | Author: Rabjot Singh Isher | Publisher: Authors Pride Publisher | Category: Fiction



‘Canvas of Life’ is a collection of eight short stories, each peculiarly different from the other, written by a budding writer Rabjot Singh Isher. As the name of the book suggests, the author has captured some of the hues of the general human behavior and splashed it over the pages of his book trying to turn it into a fair painting.


The book covers stories of love, longing, and separation, acceptance, coping with life, being easy on ourselves, rejuvenating, and finding altogether different meaning. Rabjot has even managed to touch some of the most sensitive subjects in a sensible flow. The topics of euthanasia, genetic mutation, organ donation, and environmental conservation are served to the readers in a renewed package.


Moreover, every story will introduce you to some atypical characters with a lot of dialogues. The author has also managed to put in many words of wisdom in between these conversations which at times seems a bit out of place interrupting the normal flow of the read. But the good part is that the stories get back on the track very soon. Besides, almost all the stories travel back and forth in time imposing a slight dramatic angle on the plot.


It occurs quite often that the author is narrating his own story or maybe the characters are drafted in a way to highlight this point. Nevertheless, Rabjot seems to be a promising writer, and his book shall force you to contemplate in some way or the other. ‘Canvas of Life’ in an attempt to make you discover many different colors on the canvas of your own life.


Review by: Nazneen Kachwala

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